A Modula-3 Newsletter. Issue 2. Fall 1996
Copyright © 1996 Critical Mass, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Issue #2, Fall 1996 edited by Farshad Nayeri,
Allan Heydon, Bill Kalsow,
Lauren Schmitt, and Emon Mortazavi.
We welcome your ideas and contribution in shaping the future of Threads.
We imagine that Threads will change with your input over the next few
issues. Please send your comments to
PDF version of this document is also available for download.
Remembering Geoff Wyant by Bob Sproull
Geoff Wyant, a dear friend of the Modula-3 community and an editor of Threads, died last summer in a tragic airplane accident. Bob Sproull, director of Sun Labs East where Geoff worked last, shared a few words with us that eloquently characterize Geoff's spark.Feature Article
Reactor goes on-line by Farshad Nayeri
Farshad Nayeri introduces Critical Mass Reactor, a development environment for building robust distributed applications. Reactor combines Modula-3's support for developing robust, distributed applications and the web's support for displaying complex, inter-related information to construct a powerful but easy-to-use development environment.Continuing Thread
DblBufferVBT: A reusable software double-buffer by Allan Heydon and Greg Nelson
In their second article in a series about Juno-2, a constraint-based drawing editor, Allan Heydon and Greg Nelson describe the design and implementation of the classDblBufferVBT.T
, a reusable software double-buffer object.How the language got its spots?
Why checked run-time errors are not exceptions by Greg Nelson
Ever wonder why the language doesn't map all run-time errors to exceptions?Modula-3 in Academia
Teaching computer science with Modula-3 by Spencer Allain and Farshad Nayeri.
With the debut of the English translation of the Modula-3 textbook, An Introduction to Programming with Style, and the release of SRC Modula-3, it may be time for you to consider using Modula-3 for teaching computer science. Find out why!Advanced Research Topics
Link-Time optimization for Modula-3 by Mary Fernandez
Mary Fernandez describes her work in implementing high-level programming languages with late binding and shows how Modula-3's features that require late binding can be implemented more efficiently with an optimizing linker. The linker also helps with inlining object-oriented code.
Bob Sproull, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Editor's note: Geoff Wyant, a dear friend of the
Modula-3 community and an editor of Threads, died in a tragic plane accident
on Father's Day, 16 June 1996. Geoff is survived by his wife and two young
children. Bob Sproull, director of Sun Labs East where Geoff last worked,
shared a few words with us that eloquently characterize Geoff's spark. For
more information, visit Geoff
Wyant's Memorial Page at
Geoff was a smart, accomplished computer scientist. Since graduating from Ohio State, he worked at Harris, Apollo Computer (since acquired by Hewlett Packard), Centerline Software, and most recently with a group of about twenty of us at Sun Microsystems Laboratories here in Chelmsford. He worked on hard problems--how to coordinate the activities of many computers operating together in a network--and brought to these tasks both a mathematician's precision and an engineer's desire to build elegant systems. As his career developed, he took on increasingly difficult problems with ever greater personal leadership. This year, he was a principal investigator on a research project seeking to unify diverse databases that are spread around a computer network.
But enough of Geoff's technical accomplishments. Even those of us who can understand his contributions find our memories of him are more personal than technical.
Geoff was an ideal colleague. He was smarter than we are, so we learned a lot from him. He read the technical literature voraciously, and was a fountain of information about obscure projects and technologies. He worked well in teams, but certainly best just sitting with you, explaining something. He was a patient teacher; we have all been his students.
Geoff's standards were high. We will all remember a unique facial expression--eyes wide, his whole face in a silent smile of victory--that he flashed to signal uncovering the subtle flaw or hidden weakness in a technical argument. This usually happened during a seminar, after Geoff himself had asked the penetrating question that made it all clear.
But probably most of all we remember Geoff for his humor. He was deceptively quiet--some might say shy--until he delivered one of his trenchant one-liners. Not so much a witticism as a sharp insight from a different point of view that forced you to think, then howl with laughter. It's difficult to describe his sense of humor: fresh, off-beat, never conventional or repetitious.
We didn't see much of Geoff's family at work, but we knew they came first. On Sun picnics and outings, Carole and Rebecca and Gregory came along, and we all watched Geoff lovingly tend to them and their enjoyment of the event.
Geoff loved his life and his work, and injected some of that spirit into each of us. We will miss him as a colleague and friend.
Farshad Nayeri, Critical
Mass, Inc.
After announcing our plans to produce a programming environment for robust
distributed applications last year--back then named Photon--we at Critical
Mass started its development. Aiming at a quick, incremental upgrade to
the existing state-of-the-art Modula-3 system, we planned on first releasing
the system for Linux, working our way to supporting other Unix platforms,
and eventually moving on to Windows.
A lot has changed since then. Those who have tried the preview
release noticed that it supported Windows 95 and NT. Indeed, our current
release supports cross-platform development on Unix and Windows systems
through a unified programming environment for building distributed applications.
With the newly-added incremental garbage collector, cross-platform network objects,
native threads and DLL
support, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface, and a stable port
of the Trestle window system, Reactor's support for Win32 is finally on
par with Unix!
Today's Integrated Development Environments
The trend toward Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), popularized
by the advent of GUI-based operating systems such as Windows, has reshaped
the programming landscape significantly. Using today's popular IDEs involves
traversing a complex (and not always intuitive) maze of windows, menus,
and tool bar hierarchies. Developing code in these environments is so complicated
that vendors feel compelled to throw in "wizards", "hint
screens", and "expert" help systems to guide you through
tasks. (If you think using the "integrated" environment is hard,
try the command-line interface for their compiler!) Many of these systems
lock you into proprietary project formats and user interfaces, making integration
with your favorite editor, system utilities, and productivity tools difficult.
Finally, to strengthen C++'s weak support for building programs, you may
have to invest in additional tools such as separate memory managers, separate
bounds checkers, and separate builders.
Unix systems vendors typically take an "open systems" approach:
they expect you to purchase each component from a different vendor, ultimately
resulting in little or no integration between components. (If the code generated
by your CORBA stub generator crashes the new version of your C++ compiler,
whose support line do you call?) The net result: you have to work around
not only the design and implementation flaws of each product, but also integration
problems between products. The truth is that, despite the sharp rise
in complexity of target applications, the general nature of Unix system
development at its core has changed little in the past two decades.
Due to market and political pressures and the high costs of writing portable,
reliable code in C++, many Unix systems vendors today tailor their environments
to only a few platforms. If you need to build multi-platform, robust applications,
you must base your code on a patchwork of tools and language subsets, or
be prepared to roll your own.
Worse yet, if you are targeting both Unix and Windows, you are constrained
by the distinct development philosophies, development user interfaces, and
configurations. It's no wonder that only a few organizations ship robust,
cross-platform programs.
We would like to change all that! In producing Reactor, we aimed to produce a no-nonsense, unified development environment for serious developers whose first and foremost goal is to build robust applications. We realized that to do this, we must:
We noticed quickly that our goals were conflicting. For example, it is hard to use standard technologies if what we are trying to do is to raise the programming standards. In practice, we have had to strike a delicate balance: while we could not always count on standard technologies, we tried to adhere to standards that matter to users. Of course, there are many standards endorsed by various organizations, and there are even more proprietary solutions.
To achieve all these goals, we have had to tread carefully to adhere
to standards that are relevant to users and count on non-standard technologies
when their advantages significantly outweighed their disadvantages. Using
web technology as the user interface for our system allows us to capitalize
on an already relevant and growing standard. While not a standard, Modula-3's
support for building robust distributed programs continues to be unmatched
by existing "standard" technologies such as C++ and CORBA. We
believe that the combination of the web-based interface, the clean design
of the Modula-3 system, and the extensive portable libraries results in
an unprecedented level of support for the programming activities required
for building robust distributed applications.
Figure 1. Reactor User Interface. Full size image, 86KB.
Reactor's IDE is a customized HTTP server that maintains a personal database
of your programs and their relationships-all continuously updated.
You interact with Reactor using your favorite web browser. Coupled with
a new integrated builder, Reactor allows you to browse, build, run, and
share programs using the same unified interface on all platforms. While
the look of Reactor changes slightly from one web browser or platform
to another, its feel and function stay the same no matter
where you are.
Thanks to Modula-3's support for development of multi-threaded, high-performance
servers with long-running activities, the basic system design for Reactor
is quite straightforward. At the core of Reactor is a custom server providing
access to a virtual namespace of program elements. Each program element
has an associated URL. For example, to visit the thread interface,
you browse to the path "/interface/Thread"
on a Reactor
server. Reactor returns a dynamically marked-up view of the interface complete
with syntax highlighting and links to other relevant information. Each program
element (for example, a module) has a link to other elements (for example,
the types it defines or interfaces it imports). Pre-defined elements provide
views to all interfaces, packages, programs, libraries, package collections,
types, project descriptions, past compilation results, and documentation.
An optional action parameter can be appended at the end of each
path; the default action is [view]
which displays a
node. Other actions, such as [build]
, [edit]
and [run]
activate the actions of building packages, editing
source files, and running programs.
Figure 2 shows the architecture of Reactor's IDE.
Figure 2. Reactor Architecture. Full size image, 28KB.
Certainly, the web-based organization makes it easy to traverse large amounts of information about your programs. For some tasks, however, using the web as a medium has not proven easy. For example, displaying dynamic output of a compilation is more difficult since we have less control over the user interface than the traditional IDE. Nonetheless, by taking advantage of threads, we've made it possible for you to leave a build session and re-attach to it later--the compilation proceeds in the background, and the new results are displayed when you revisit the compilation page.
More importantly, the integration with the web means the Reactor user interface works on all platforms, and allows you to share information about your programs with your co-workers easily by sending URLs. Remote programming is also a lot easier. Some users have gone as far as using Reactor to build, browse, and run programs on a Windows/NT system from a browser running on a Unix host.
We were on a roll improving the system, so we didn't stop at just a new IDE; we've also made major renovations to the architecture of the compiler, the run-time system, and the libraries. The new system integrates the builder and the compiler into one process. A single executable named cm3--Critical Mass Modula-3--does all the building and front end work, calling the back end to generate native code. A single configuration file defines the native compiler settings and descriptions of external commands; it is evaluated each time the compiler is invoked so reconfiguring the compiler is a simple matter of changing the file. The compiler keeps track of program elements, deducing dependencies automatically whether or not you use makefiles. Figure 3 illustrates the new compiler architecture.
Figure 3. New Compiler Architecture Full size image, 29KB.
The new runtime can produce and link against shared libraries on all supported platforms, including DLLs on Windows. The new incremental garbage collector has already proven to be essential in building response-critical Windows applications for some users. Among other new features, the current release of Reactor includes a safe interface for accessing relational databases via ODBC, cross-platform pickles, and a web toolkit for constructing custom web servers. Last but not least, support for robust distributed programming through the use of cross-plaform Network and Stable Objects is one among several hundred facilities included with Reactor.
Our next step is to enhance Reactor's integration with operating systems
components such as Microsoft's Active-X (a.k.a. OCX), and to expand the
set of available portable libraries for distributed programming. If you'd
like to learn more details about Reactor, visit the Reactor
web page at
or send e-mail to Critical Mass, Inc.
Allan Heydon
and Greg Nelson, Digital
System Research Center
This is the second in a series of articles about Juno-2, a constraint-based
drawing editor. The previous
article described the implementation of the Juno-2 user interface. This
article describes the design and implementation of the class DblBufferVBT.T
a reusable software double-buffer object.
Double-buffering is a well-known graphics technique for delaying the effect of graphics operations. It is usually implemented by rendering graphics operations into an off-screen buffer. The contents of the buffer are then copied to the screen in one atomic operation. Ideally, the copy is faster than the time required for the monitor to refresh the screen, so no visual artifacts are visible.
Since there is a performance penalty associated with copying, double-buffering is sometimes implemented in hardware. This article describes a software implementation based on the Trestle window system. In Trestle, a window is an object called a virtual bitmap terminal (VBT) whose behavior is determined by its methods.
In Juno-2, we exploit the effect provided by double-buffering in two ways. First, rendering a drawing can take enough time that the action is perceptible. If the graphics are drawn directly on the screen, the user perceives the rendering as a sequence of graphics operations, rather than as a single update. With a double-buffer, the intermediate painting operations are delayed so that the user sees only the final image. Second, double-buffers are essential for producing smooth animations. An animation is rendered by repeatedly painting the entire window in a background color, such as white, and then painting the next frame of the animation. Without double-buffering, this produces a distracting flickering effect.
The DblBufferVBT
interface also provides an extension of
standard double-buffering; namely, operations for saving and restoring the
double-buffer's contents. This is convenient for producing animations with
permanent paint, that is, paint that should be included in all subsequent
Here is the start of the actual DblBufferVBT
is a filter that redirects the painting operations of its child to an off-screen buffer, and then updates its screen from the buffer when the child'ssync
method is invoked. This can be accomplished by calling theVBT.Sync
procedure with the child or any of the child's descendants as arguments.
TYPE T <: Filter.T;
The call
returns a newly initialized double-buffer VBT with childch
.The child coordinate system of a double-buffer VBT is a translation of its parent's coordinate system. You can compute the translation vector between the parent and child by subtracting the northwest corners of their domains.
A double-buffer VBT
does not forward repaint events to its child; instead, it repaints by copying from the off-screen buffer.
Figure 1 illustrates the VBTs involved in
double-buffering, and the way painting operations flow through the off-screen
buffer. The solid arrow represents that ch
is the child VBT
of the double-buffer dbl
Figure 1: ADblBufferVBT.T
with childch
. The double-buffer creates an off-screen VBToffScreen
into which it directs its child's painting operations. Thesync
method flushes the accumulated painting operations to the on-screen parent.
Next, we describe an extension provided by DblBufferVBT
for saving and restoring a double-buffer's contents.
It is common for all of the frames in one scene of an animation to share
a common background. Although the client could paint the background afresh
on each frame, it would be more efficient and convenient to take a snapshot
of the background and restore it at the start of each frame. The rest of
the DblBufferVBT
interface provides just such a facility:
In addition to its off-screen buffer, a
maintains a saved buffer and provides operations for copying the off-screen buffer to and from the saved buffer. This is convenient for building up a background to be restored on each frame of an animation, for example. The initial content of the saved buffer is a conceptually infinite pixmap of background pixels.Here are the procedures for saving, restoring, and clearing the saved buffer:
PROCEDURE Save(v: VBT.T); <* LL.sup < v *>
Requires that some proper ancestor ofv
be aT
. Sets the saved buffer of the first such ancestor to be a copy of its off-screen buffer.
PROCEDURE Restore(v: VBT.T); <* LL.sup < v *>
Requires that some proper ancestor ofv
be aT
. Sets the off-screen buffer of the first such ancestor to be a copy of its saved buffer.
force all painting operations (paint batches, in Trestle terminology) fromv
to the relevant off-screen buffer. This will work smoothly ifv
is the only leaf descendant of the relevant double buffer (i.e., if all splits between them are filters). Otherwise, you may get the wrong answer due to unforced paint batches on other leaf descendants.
PROCEDURE ClearSaved(v: VBT.T); <* LL.sup < v *>
Requires that some proper ancestor ofv
be aT
. Clears the saved buffer of the first such ancestor to contain an infinite pixmap of background pixels.
END DblBufferVBT.
Figure 2 illustrates how the Save
and Restore
operations copy between the off-screen buffer and
the saved buffer.
Figure 2: TheSave
operations copy the off-screen buffer to and from the saved buffer.
For efficiency, a DblBufferVBT.T
maintains two rectangles
named screenDiff and savedDiff.
The screenDiff
rectangle is a bounding box of all pixels
that differ between the on-screen window and the off-screen buffer. When
painting operations are forwarded from the child to the off-screen buffer,
a conservative bounding box for the operations is computed, and the screenDiff
rectangle is augmented to include the pixels affected by those operations.
The sync
method copies only the pixels contained in screenDiff
and then sets that rectangle to Rect.Empty
. This technique
reduces the copying cost by copying a smaller area than the entire window.
Of course, if pixels have changed at opposite corners of the window, then
almost the entire window will be copied. In our experience, however, the
overhead of computing more accurate bounding regions is justified by the
savings in copying costs.
The savedDiff
rectangle is a bounding box of all pixels
that differ between the saved buffer and the off-screen buffer. This rectangle
is also augmented to include pixels changed by new painting operations.
Both the Save
and Restore
procedures copy only
the pixels contained in the savedDiff
rectangle, and then set
the rectangle to Rect.Empty
Figure 3 shows several snapshots of an animation demonstrating a discovery of Rida Farouki: If you walk along the graph of the curve y = x^4 carrying a beam that extends one unit in each direction, the inner tip of the beam traces out a star.
Figure 3: Several animation snapshots. The gray rectangle shown in each snapshot is thescreenDiff
rectangle copied by thesync
This example demonstrates the use of the double-buffer's saved buffer. Each frame can be divided into three parts: the background common to all frames (the black curve and the text), the permanent paint that should be included in all subsequent frames (the path drawing a star), and the ephemeral paint that should only be included in this frame (the beam). Here is the code for the animation:
PaintBackground(ch); VAR start := Time.Now(); t, tLast := 0; BEGIN WHILE t < Duration DO PaintPermanentPath(ch, t, tLast); DblBufferVBT.Save(ch); PaintEphemeralBeam(ch, t); VBT.Sync(ch); DblBufferVBT.Restore(ch); tLast := t; t := Time.Now() - start END; PaintPermanentPath(ch, Duration); PaintEphemeralBeam(ch, Duration); VBT.Sync(ch) END
First, we paint the background common to all frames. Then, we render
each frame. After painting the permanent paint, we Save
contents of the double-buffer so that the permanent paint will become part
of the background on subsequent frames. After calling Sync
to copy the off-screen buffer to the screen, we Restore
background for the next frame. The last frame painted from within the WHILE
loop is for a value of t less than the animation's full duration.
So, upon completion of the loop, we paint the animation's final frame.
You can see from the size of the dashed screenDiff
that the double-buffer implementation excels at minimizing the number of
pixels copied on each frame. In general, the rectangle includes only the
pixels for the beam from the previous frame (since those had to be erased),
the new piece of the star-drawing path, and the new beam.
Figure 4 shows the performance of the double-buffer
while animating a simple filled triangle. These measurements were made on
a Digital
3000/600 Alpha workstation equipped with a 175 MHz DECchip 21064 processor,
and an 8-bit frame buffer, and running Digital Unix (OSF/1). Each point
(x,y) corresponds to a single frame: x is the number of pixels
painted for the frame (i.e., the area of the screenDiff
and y is the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) between that frame
and the next. The graph shows that software double-buffering has a fixed
cost of about 3 ms per frame, and a marginal cost of 1 ms per 40K pixels
per frame.
Figure 4: The per-frame cost of software double-buffering as a function of the number of pixels painted per frame.
The data for Figure 4 were collected while animating a very simple drawing,
in which the double-buffer copying costs (0 - 9 ms) dominated the graphics
costs (fractions of a ms). The copying overhead is less noticeable in a
more typical drawing, where the graphics can require tens or even hundreds
of milliseconds. Even so, the relatively steep slope of the line in the
figure indicates that the overhead of computing the screenDiff
and savedDiff
rectangles is worthwhile.
The hallmark of the double-buffer design is its simplicity. To double-buffer
some window, a client simply has to wrap a DblBufferVBT.T
the VBT.T
corresponding to the window, and then make calls
to VBT.Sync
at appropriate times to flush the double-buffer.
Hence, DblBufferVBT.T
is a reusable class that can be applied
on a per-window basis. It is a good example of the extensibility made possible
by the object-oriented Trestle design.
The facility provided by the double-buffer's saved buffer is also quite
useful. We employ it in Juno-2 for two purposes: for animations with permanent
paint and for implementing tools with a text argument. In the latter case,
we first save the current drawing into the saved buffer. Then, for each
character the user types, we restore the off-screen buffer from the saved
buffer, apply the tool's procedure with the text typed up to that point,
and then sync
the off-screen buffer. Previously, we had to
redraw the entire figure on each character; for complicated figures, this
could result in an annoying delay between keystrokes.
So far, DblBufferVBT
s are used only in Juno and in one other
Trestle application: a shared whiteboard. However, they could easily be
retrofitted into such applications as the Zeus
algorithm animation system and the GraphVBT
implementation. It would probably simplify the code in both cases, since
those systems are already performing their own double-buffering.
Steve Glassman helped us with the original implementation of the DblBufferVBT
Greg Nelson, Digital System Research Center
Modula-3 defines a "checked run-time error" as an error that
implementations must detect and report at run-time. For example, using an
array index that is out of bounds is a checked run-time error.
The method for reporting checked run-time errors is implementation-dependent.
For example, in a program development environment, the most useful implementation
action would probably be to enter a debugger. However, in an operating telephone
switch, appropriate actions would more likely include logging the error
and restarting the switch software.
Proponents of mapping checked run-time errors to exceptions argue that the
language should be changed to require implementations to raise predefined
exceptions on checked run-time errors. This would give programmers maximum
flexibility to recover from the error in whatever manner is appropriate
for the application. But this argument doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
First, when a checked run-time error is detected, the appropriate recovery
action almost always requires implementation-dependent actions. Changing
the language to provide an implementation-independent way to detect such
errors only postpones the problem. For example, there is no implementation-independent
way to enter a debugger, to log an error, or to restart a server.
Second, it is important to realize that checked run-time errors can occur
in threads that are forked by libraries, as well as in an application's
main code path. If errors were mapped to exceptions there would be a need
for "TRY" statements to handle these exceptions wherever a thread
forked. When a program moved from testing into actual service, and the appropriate
error recovery action changed, it would become necessary to modify many
"TRY" handlers scattered throughout the program.
A better strategy is to let the implementation determine the error recovery
Spencer Allain,
Raytheon E-Systems
Farshad Nayeri,
Critical Mass, Inc.
With the debut of the English translation of the textbook, Pogramming with Modula-3: An Introduction to Programming with Style, and release 3.6 of SRC Modula-3, it's time for you to consider using Modula-3 for teaching. In this article, we describe some of the reasons why you may choose Modula-3, what people who have used Modula-3 for teaching have to say about it, and where to go to get more information about teaching with Modula-3.
Many schools are considering newer languages for teaching in various computer science courses. Traditionally the debate has been between C, Pascal, Ada, and Modula-2--with a smattering of Fortran and Scheme to boot.
Academia has slowly begun to adopt some of the new languages; namely those labeled as object-oriented. Today it's accepted that exposing students to many different programming concepts will enhance their understanding, but a college has only a limited amount of time to impress this knowledge upon its students.
In an ideal world, each university would have unlimited funds, enough staff to have an expert in each programming arena, and a body of computer science majors composed of geniuses that would be able to absorb all of the information about every programming concept within the short time-span of an undergraduate degree. The world isn't perfect, and compromises need to be made. The first and foremost tends to be:
What do we wish to use as our core programming language to convey the most information successfully to the majority of the students?
Some universities are fortunate enough to have the funding and the personnel to be able to support two or more core languages, but many simply do not and must make the difficult decision of selecting only one all-purpose language. Even the universities that must choose two languages, still have a difficult decision ahead of them and should not make their decisions lightly, as two poor languages may produce worse results than one good language.
There are a plethora of languages available, and many are quite good for teaching purposes, but what defines an excellent language for learning?
There are many criteria, and they must be tailored to the goals of each individual university. For instance, colleges that emphasize training students well in the languages that appear most often in the want-ads clearly have different objectives than the colleges that focus upon programming theory and utilize the languages that facilitate this learning in lieu of market demands. For universities that are driven by industry demand only, the choice of programming languages is clear--teach the languages listed in the majority of the job offerings: Visual Basic, C or C++. It is the universities with impeccable reputations that have the luxury of being in the second category; students are drawn in by prestige, not whether industry uses the same languages.
Most universities, however, fall somewhere in between. They attempt to use the appropriate languages, but fall back upon industry standards when decisions boil down to recruiting new students. Finally, they are worried about the impact of the choice of the language in the satisfactory completion of projects and the overall health of the curriculum.
The remainder of this article targets universities who are looking for a fresh alternative to what they teach today, whether it is Pascal, C, or Ada. We encourage you to read on even if you don't fit into this category as we think you'll find many issues of interest, even if you don't end up switching to a new language.
First, some characteristics of a good teaching language:
There are many possible languages to choose from, but there is one in particular that is strong in all the above areas, yet under-utilized by many schools because they have not heard about it.
The language is Modula-3.
Modula-3 is a member of the Pascal/Modula family of languages. Despite its name, Modula-3 is much more than just another successor to Modula-2. The language and its implementation have been stable for the past five years; they have always boasted a nice integration of features that have only recently been realized in other designs, such as C++, Ada95, and Java.
The goal of Modula-3 is to be as simple and safe as it can be while meeting the needs of modern systems programmers. Instead of exploring new untried features, the designers followed proven practice. The language features that depart from previous designs aimed at two important areas: a simpler type system and greater robustness.
Modula-3 retains Modula-2's module system for the most part and most of its Pascal-like syntactic style. It adds objects, exception handling, garbage collection, lightweight processes (also called threads), generics, and the ability to separate safe and unsafe code, all in one integrated whole.
The combination of features in Modula-3 makes it both a wonderful systems programming language and a great teaching language. The central source for finding information about Modula-3 is the Modula-3 Home Page at Digital Systems Research Center:
Modula-3 is well-suited for teaching because it combines simplicity, power, and safety.
Since less time is spent by students and teaching assistants chasing dangling pointers and corrupted data, more time is available for learning the important concepts.
Modula-3 avoids the complexity of legacy languages. The Modula-3 language specification is fifty pages long even though Modula-3 is as powerful as C++ and Ada95. However, Modula-3 does not hinder the programmer as Pascal does. The language design is very uniform, and allows the programmer to work at different levels of abstraction easily.
Modula-3 can be used also for serious systems work. For example, the University of Washington has had quite a positive experience in using Modula-3 for building SPIN, their extensible operating system, showing that Modula-3 can easily be on or above par with C/C++ for systems programming.
In the safe subset, however, Modula-3 works well as a predictable programming language, encouraging the programmer to concentrate on the problem at hand instead of working around language limitations.
In general, as it is a lot easier to concentrate on solving problems by writing good programs in Modula-3, students will have the satisfaction of completing programming projects, which will help motivate them to excel. (See what do people who use Modula-3 have to say about it? below) Also, well-designed and well-implemented Modula-3 libraries (more than 2500 modules) serve as great examples for students.
To sum up, by teaching in Modula-3, you can easily demonstrate:
To get a better idea of the academic experience with Modula-3, please see the quotes from an informal survey at the end of this article.
SRC Modula-3, a freely-available Modula-3 implementation, comes with a large standard library (libm3) providing:
All standard libraries are thread-friendly and Modula-3 can readily link with existing C libraries. They come with extensive interface documentation, and equal in quality some of the best commercial tools.
There is also a very large array of stable and well-documented libraries available. Some features are:
Ports of SRC Modula-3 are available for Windows95/NT, DOS, and just about every flavor of Unix from OSF/1 and AIX to Linux and FreeBSD. There is also a port to OS/2 that is nearing completion. SRC Modula-3 supports fifteen architectures and twenty-five operating systems in all, and the list continues to grow. Most notably, the ports of the language on popular Intel operating systems such as Windows and Linux take advantage of a fast native compiler which compiles Modula-3 files in "Turbo-Pascal" speeds. When programming in Modula-3, you can easily expect to move your code from one platform to another without a single change in your program sources, giving you much more freedom in setting up your academic computing environment.
And best of all it's free!
Here are some universities who use Modula-3 in their curriculum:
Recently we performed an informal survey of academic sites who have used and are using Modula-3 for their teaching. Below are some extracts that reflect what the professors had to say about their experiences:
Modula-3: 85% in time (22 of 26)
Borland Pascal: 67% in time (2 of 3)
C++: 0% in time (0 of 4)
We found the top advantages of Modula-3 to be: its similarity to but without the shortcomings of Pascal, its support for modularization, garbage collection and the standard library."
For an overview of the experience in one academic institution teaching in Modula-3, visit the first issue of Threads newsletter at:
Several universities have offered to share their course designs or teaching material with others. Please contact the authors for more information.
Mary Fernandez, AT&T Research
Modula-3's modules and interfaces, object types, and type inheritance provide strong support for development of modular and reusable software libraries. Opaque object types, the powerful result of combining these features, guarantee that a client module can be compiled even when the implementation of an imported object type is unavailable. This is often the case when object types are implemented in libraries. For example, the module Symbol can be compiled in the absence of Hash's implementation, even though SymbolTab is derived from HashTab, a type which is implemented in Hash. Opaque types also support upwardly compatible object libraries, (for example, clients of a library do not have to be recompiled when a new implementation of the library is released).
INTERFACE Hash; MODULE Symbol; TYPE HashT = OBJECT FROM Hash IMPORT HashTab; METHODS TYPE SymbolTab = HashTab OBJECT lookup(key: TEXT): REFANY; level: INTEGER insert(key: TEXT; value: REFANY); OVERRIDES delete(key: TEXT) insert := Insert END; METHODS HashTab : HashT enterscope(); END Hash. exitscope(); END; END Symbol.
Opaque object types clearly distinguish Modula-3 from C++. C++ reveals
objects' implementations in their interfaces, which helps a C++ compiler
implement references to objects efficiently. However, this prohibits development
of upwardly compatible libraries. C++ users often simulate opaque types
with cumbersome programming conventions that are not type-safe nor enforceable
by a compiler.
Opaque object types incur runtime costs, however, because they prevent the
compiler from having complete information about an object's implementation,
such as the types and sizes of its data and the procedure bindings of its
methods. Without access to this information, the compiler must implement
late binding, that is, generate code that computes the missing
information at run time.
My thesis describes
a software approach to implementing high-level programming languages with
late binding and shows how Modula-3's features that require late binding
can be implemented more efficiently with an optimizing linker. Link-time
optimization eliminates the costs of opaque types and reduces the
costs of method invocations by finalizing objects' representations at link
time. Link-time optimization also permits inlining of methods without compromising
program modularity.
(Although this article describes opportunities for link-time optimization
using the SRC Modula-3 implementation as an example, similar opportunities
would exist for other implementations of Modula-3 or for other languages
that support late binding.)
Because the representation of opaque types is incomplete at compile time,
the runtime system provides a representation of types that describes their
complete implementation. At runtime, a type is represented by a type descriptor,
which contains the sizes and offsets of the data and methods associated
with instances of the type. For example, SymbolTab_TD denotes SymbolTab's
type descriptor. The SymbolTab object self is represented
by its own data area, and by a pointer to its type descriptor's methods,
which are immutable after type initialization. These offsets and method
bindings are computed at program startup by the Modula-3 runtime system
and are stored in the type descriptors.
The implementations of opaque typing and method invocations incur direct
and indirect costs. Direct costs include:
For example, when compiling Symbol, the compiler knows nothing
about the structure of HashTab's private fields and methods (shaded)
and therefore, cannot compute the offsets to self's SymbolTab
fields and methods, i.e., the values of SymbolTab_TD's dataOffset
and methodOffset fields. So, to compute the address of self.level,
the compiler generates the following C-like code: address_of(self) +
SymbolTab_TD->dataOffset + offset_to(level).
A method invocation includes a similar address computation followed by an
indirect procedure call. The compiler implements method invocations as indirect
calls to support strong encapsulation and overriding. For example, the invocation
self.lookup(key) in Symbol is compiled into an indirect
call, because the compiler cannot access lookup's procedure binding
in HashTab's private methods. In addition, it cannot determine
if lookup will be overridden in a subtype of SymbolTab,
and therefore have more than one procedure binding at run time. Implementing
method invocations as indirect calls incurs a (necessary) indirect cost,
because it prevents inlining and specialization of methods at call sites.
Link time is the earliest time at which a program's entire type hierarchy
is known and therefore, the earliest time at which the attributes of type
desriptors can be computed. Given a smart linker that can compute and use
this information, all expressions involving type descriptors can be simplified
at link time. For example, the expression SymbolTab_TD->dataOffset
+ offset_to(level) is reducible to a constant at link time. A smart
linker can also identify those methods bound to a single procedure and can
convert their invocations to direct procedure calls.
It is important to note that the code generated to implement these features
produces idiomatic expressions in the intermediate code. Although
the contents of the idioms (e.g., the values of constants) may vary across
targets, the idioms themselves are target-independent and are easily identified
given simple information, such as the types of variables, in the intermediate
: A Retargetable, Optimizing LinkerThe system I built to evaluate link-time optimization includes: mill
a machine-independent linker format suitable for link-time optimization
and code generation; mlcc
, a C-to-mill
and mld
, a mill
linker. mlcc
are based on lcc
a retargetable ANSI C compiler and were built by dividing lcc
at the interface between its front and back ends. mlcc
's front end and a new code generator that emits mill
code instead of target-dependent object code.
The mill
code for a module is a compact binary code that contains
call graphs, flow graphs, symbol and type information, and trees of lcc
intermediate instructions that are the executable code. Linking lcc
intermediate code instead of machine-object code simplifies optimization.
Recognizing and simplifying idiomatic expressions in object code is difficult,
especially on architectures where instructions are reordered by instruction
performs the functions of a traditional linker, but it
processes mill
code instead of object code. Unlike traditional
linkers, mld
applies optimizations before it generates code
for a complete executable program. Delayed code generation increases link
time, but mld
compenstates by using variants of lcc
fast code generators that emit binary instructions.
Optimizers often use program representations that preserve the source language's
semantics. The whole
program optimizier, for example, transforms an annotated abstract-syntax
tree. We chose a low-level representation because it allowed us to determine
whether useful link-time optimizations can be applied to a low-level code
(they can) and to measure the costs of delaying code generation until link
time (they're tolerable). For example, mill
files are only
2.5 times larger than unstripped object files generated from the same source,
whereas persistent AST representations are usually more than 5 times the
source size. Delayed code generation means link time is proportional
to the number of instructions generated, but mld
's fast code
generators help. For example, mld
links and emits a large executable
with a 1 MB text segment in about fifty seconds on a DEC 5000/240.
To apply link-time optimizations to Modula-3 programs, we use the v2.11
Modula-3 compiler, m3
. m3
invokes mlcc
which produces mill
files for application modules and for the
complete Modula-3 runtime system. At link time, m3
's Optimizationsmld
implements late binding using data-driven simplification,
which simplifies expressions that refer to variables whose values are constant
after linking. mld
obtains the bindings between variables and
their link-time values from a binding file, which contains assignments
of values to global symbols.
For a Modula-3 program, mld
executes an initialization procedure
similar to the one executed by the Modula-3 runtime system at program startup,
but instead of initializing the type hierarchy in memory, it creates a binding
file that describes the initialized type hierarchy. For example, part of
the link-time binding data for SymbolTab_TD includes:
*SymbolTab_TD = { typecode = 6; dataOffset = 408; methodOffset= 24; parent = HashTab_TD; *methods = [ 4: Hash__Lookup; 8: Symbol__Insert; 12: Hash__Delete; 16: Symbol__Enter; 20: Symbol__Exit; ];
After creating the binding file, mld
traverses mill
instruction trees, identifies expressions that refer to link-time constants,
and simplifies them. mld
's expression matcher and simplifier
are generated automatically by lburg
from concise rules that map mill
idioms into simpler mill
expressions. Some rules eliminate the fetch-and-add cost of accessing fields
and methods; others convert invocations of singly-bound methods to direct
procedure calls. mld
also applies cross-module inlining of
frequently executed methods and procedures.
Binding files are not restricted to type information nor are they dependent
on Modula-3. Any write-once data is permissible, such as an array after
initialization. mld
can use binding information to optimize
any mill
program, and its expression simplifier has few dependencies
on Modula-3.
's optimizations are intended for programs that use objects
heavily. When applied to six large Modula-3 programs, data-driven simplification
reduces total instructions executed by 3-11% and total loads executed by
4-25%. It converts an average 28% of dynamic method invocations to direct
calls. These changes result in elapsed-time improvements up to 25%. As expected,
programs that use objects most, benefit most. None of our benchmarks use
objects heavily, however, so we would expect greater improvements for programs
written primarily in an object-oriented style. Link-time code generation
dominates mld
's execution time, but the optimizations themselves
are inexpensive: they increase link time by less than 10%.
's optimizations do not require complex algorithms, and
they are inexpensive to apply. We focus on simple techniques that use whole-program
information, which is unavailable at compile time. Despite their simplicity,
the techniques are effective, even for programs that do not use objects
It is possible to apply similar optimizations at compile time, but at the
expense of less modular programs and more complex program maintenance. For
example, an "optimistic" Modula-3 compiler could avoid the runtime
overhead of opaque types by fixing their representations using "hints"
about the sizes and structure of imported types. Any changes to an imported
type's representation would require recompilation of modules that import
the types. Link-time optimization is simpler, because it has complete information,
and is more flexible, because it permits optimization of modules in libraries,
for which the source is often unavailable. I have described those link-time
optimizations that only require the complete type hierarchy and that we
have implemented and measured. Other interesting link-time optimizations,
such as conversion of heap-allocated to stack-allocated objects and the
safe elimination of runtime range and nil-object checks, require intra-
and inter-procedural data-flow analysis as well as the complete type hierarchy.
My thesis describes these link-time optimizations in detail and discusses
their potential effectiveness for Modula-3.
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